I’m going to do something I don’t think I’ve ever done here and I’m going to ask you to help out a fellow human being. In specific, I’m going to ask you to help out my friend, Kate. Kate is this incredibly kick ass, bad ass, sweeter than hell woman who has been an amazing friend to me during one of the hardest periods of my life. Now, I want to give back to her.
Kate’s grandma isn’t doing super well and Kate needs to get back home to Pittsburgh so that she can spend some time with her. Right now, she’s living in Phoenix and like most of us doesn’t have ready funds available. That’s where all of us come in. We’re going to get Kate home and I’m hoping that we can do it with all of your help. If you have an extra $5, please considering donating it to this beautiful woman who is setting pride aside and letting us help her. I have her paypal addy and will happily share it with anyone who asks me.
I’m not the only one asking you to help though…SpazDog Comics also has a wonderful thing that they would like to do to help her out. In their own words:
Kate Finnegan is the colorist who colored our Phoenix Comicon Exclusive Cover of Unite and Take Over Volume 2: A Smiths Comic Anthology. Her grandmother has taken ill and she needs to move back to Philly* asap. For those of you who want to support a comic book artist and get something for it, I’m offering to mail out a copy of her limited cover book (only 200 made) if you send payment directly to her so she can move back to Philly. To sweeten the deal, the first 20 people also get the PCC guitar pick (http://
Please note that it is actually Pittsburgh and not Philly, but you know what? That’s an amazing thing for them to do. If you do this to get something awesome or if you do this because you feel called to help, I want to say thank you. Thank you for giving an amazing woman more time with someone so important to her. You guys know that I lost my grandma just a couple of months ago and I am so thankful for the time I had with her. Kate was someone who spent ages talking to me and listening to me. Let’s give her that time.