Oh holy canoles. I went to bed and when I came back, the blog software I use to blog has gone all weird with a new look. I don’t like new looks. I like old looks that I know how to do things and where to find things. Eek!
Ok, deep breath…I can do this. I can still post. Now, y’all may have noticed that we lost a couple of weeks on our challenge. I’m so sorry for that. I swear I haven’t abandoned you. Life got tough and for a bit I was unable to post. I’m back now and I have a new challenge for all of you! I will confess right off the top that I wont’ be doing this challenge because I have to finish handling boxes from my grandma’s house. However, this challenge is for you and I know you’ll get right on it!
For this week, head to wherever you store your bed linens. How many sets of sheets do you have for your bed? For me, it’s 4 for each of the boys and 5 for me. We each get 2 sets of flannels (remember we have no heat in our bedrooms!) and 2 sets of regular light weight sheets. For mom (aka me), I also get one set of sexy feel really good against your skin sheets. Yep, mama gets sexy sheets (even if she’s not..well..nevermind.).
If you’re unsure of what to do with any extra sheets you may have, here’s a quick list of places you can donate them to:
- Animal Shelter
- Goodwill, Salvation Army, etc.
- Women’s Shelter
- Young person moving into their first place
This is my post for this week's challenge. I'm back.