- by Katie
My name is Andrea Emilien. I am a 37 year old happily married woman with gets to be a stay-at-home-Mom to my two kids. I am also a best friend, daughter, sister…..and a binge eater.
Yes, that’s right. I’m a binge eater.
For years, and I mean like 25+ years, I’ve kept this hidden. From my parents, from my best friend of 20 years, from my husband. No one knew because that was what I wanted. But I have come out of the closet so that I can be a better person, a healthier person. And so I can fix me.
Since I’ve had kids, it has always been about them – what they need. I think all Moms do the same thing. We put ourselves on the back burner for our families. But I can’t do that anymore. Taking care of myself IS taking care of my family. If I am not healthy, how can I show my kids to be healthy? How can I be the role model that I should be for them?
My inspiration and motivation is a little selfish too – I don’t want my kids to ever be embarrassed by me. I don’t want to be the fat Mom, the Mom that my son or daughter doesn’t want to be seen with. The hardest thing I have ever done was to not cry when my daughter saw a diet pill commercial and turned to me and said “Mommy, you need those pills so you can be skinny too.”
For this reason, I am applying to be a Mamavation Mom.
What the heck is a Mamavation Mom?? It’s a 7-week online boot camp where two Mom’s lives are put on public display. They learn basic and essential skills from professionals while sharing their struggles and tribulations with the Mamavation community. The goal is to start the path to healthy living so they can then in turn pass along the information they learn to their families and stop the obesity trend.
I’ve completely changed my lifestyle. I’m working hard to be a better role model. My kids and I exercise together. We are all eating better. I’ve gone to a gluten-free, lactose-free and egg-free diet and I feel so much better!! I’ve been working hard to make this change for my family and I would love to be able to benefit from the further instruction of the Mamavation leaders and the professionals who give their time for the campaign. I also want to inspire other Mothers like me who feel trapped in their body with their own secrets. I want my public fight with obesity to be something others can look to and feel like they have a chance also.
Please, take a minute to consider my story and my intentions. I would love your vote for Mamavation Mom. You can watch my video and vote HERE.
Want to connect? I am friendly. 🙂 You can find me on Facebook or Twitter. I love new friends!!
Hi all! Andrea is just one of the incredible women that I’ve met through Mamavation. I would encourage all of you to jump right in there and vote for her and this life changing process.
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