It’s Monday night and we’re back! I can’t wait to see all of your links this week showing me just how you tackled last week’s challenge of the top of your dresser. I’m happy to say that mine is looking pretty good and it makes me smile every time I walk in the room and see that one clean space in the chaos surrounding it. I cleared so much junk off of the top and the smell of orange oil made my room smell so good for a couple of days after I wiped it down. I love that small! I promised you I’d show you my spaces if you showed me yours, so here’s my dresser after I finished wiping it down:
Ready for this week’s challenge? It’s another quick and easy one. I want you to go to your living room and look at those end tables. Are they piled high like mine? I have one just inside my front door (actually, it’s a small bookshelf) and it becomes an instant dumping ground.
Yuck, right? Before any of you ask, yes that is a jar of mustard. Why is it there? My only guess is that it fell out of one of our camping supply bags and instead of being put in the kitchen, the kids put it on the nearest empty’ish surface. Ugh. We’re just going to pretend we went camping last week and not Labor Day weekend, ok? Instead, we’re all going to tackle one of our side tables and create another yay spot in our homes!
Now, for those of you who have spic and span side tables..I’m going to challenge you to spend 15 minutes in your garage. This is an area we’re not going to spend time in this year so if you don’t need to do a challenge, that’s where you should head.
One last thing before I leave you to posting your after pictures from last week and this week’s before picture. We now have a Facebook group. If you would like to be added or you would like more information, just leave me a comment with your email address and I’ll drop you a line.
Here we go, one week down, 51 to go….