Hi all! I’m here for all of about 30 seconds but I wanted to share the newest addition to my home which totally fits in with Time for Me Thursday! I bought this beauty for about $30 off of Craig’s List a couple of months ago and it’s been sitting in my barn because I couldn’t get it into the house.  Thanks to Justin (with a little help from me), it’s now happily sitting in our laundry room filled with my stamps. Before, I couldn’t really access them but now I can! Who knows, maybe a crafting post is in the future….I’m pretty sure a crafting giveaway is!
Now, before I run out of time and you don’t get to see it….my new oh my gosh this makes me smile item…..

Ta Da! Please ignore the mess to the left. That’s the remainder of the boxes I’m going through in that room. I’m happy to say that I’m down to about 8 boxes and once I do some re-organizing in “The Wall”, a lot of those will be gone. Woo!

Ugh, time flies and it’s time for this girl to go into town to pick the boys up from school! See you all again soon!

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