Life + Giveaway!

Hi all! It’s been ages since I’ve posted here and I can only explain it by telling you that I’ve been swamped! I’m going into town 5 days a week plus for the past two weeks, I’ve been helping out with the elementary school swim program. On Tuesdays, I’m in the pool from about 9:50am-3pm. I love it! I so wish we had a pool closer to me so I could be swimming a few days a week.

Luckily, life will be settling down some soon. School will be out in just a few weeks and that will end my driving into town 5 days a week. It’s also going to give me the chance to dive more fully into the house and really putting our mark on it. The boys don’t know it yet, but we’re going to surprise them by taking their sunshiney yellow bedroom and repainting it into a color that they both want.

It’s also going to allow me to spend more time working on writing here. I’m going to work on bringing back the Tuesday organizational challenges. If things go well, I’ll also be bringing back Save the Planet Saturday. For now though, I’m going to introduce you to a fantastic product that we’re “enjoying” here. I put that in quotes because while I like doing laundry, not everyone does.

This is Purex Complete with Zout. Zout is a triple enzyme stain fighter. Recently, the lovely folks at Purex sent me a bottle of their free & clear formula to try out and so far, we are loving it! It works just as well and maybe better than any other laundry detergent that I’ve tried out. I love that they offer this in a scented and non-scented version. Personally, I don’t like perfumey smelling laundry soaps (plus they often set off my allergies), so the free & clear version is perfect for our family.

I know you’re wondering when I’m going to get to the giveaway…right now! I have a coupon here for one of you to try out this fantastic product for yourself!

How to enter:

1. Leave me a comment telling me your least favorite household chore and why you don’t love it.
2. Tweet about this giveaway. Make sure that you leave a link to your tweet in your comment.

Quick  Edit: No more than 5 tweets per person, please.

That’s it! I’ll draw a winner for this on Friday, May 13th. Yep, Friday the 13th will be a lucky day for someone!


18 thoughts on “Life + Giveaway!

  1. I hate the dishes! I know its not really hard but its just so much! You have to unload and load and all that with dirty food on it, yuck!

  2. My least favorite is folding laundry! I hate it so much my husband does it! I also don't like washing dishes thank God I have a dishwasher!

  3. least fave chore – folding laundry. See no purpose since it will get unfolded and worn and the process starts over. Kind of like making a bed.

  4. I hate dishes! I think because they were my chore growing up and I wasn't allowed to have fun after school or on weekends until they were all done I just grew to hate doing them! LOL

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