Scrubbing Bubbles Extend-A-Clean Power Sprayer (Review)

I’m weird. I think my favorite room in the house to clean is the bathroom. I can’t think of another person who has ever shared that with me. In my case, it’s probably because the bathroom is the easiest room to clean. Granted, I have a bathtub that I don’t think a nuclear explosion could make look clean. It was badly stained when we moved in and no scrubbing has changed that.

However, recently I was sent a bottle of Scrubbing Bubbles Extend-A-Clean Power Sprayer. I’ll be honest. I wasn’t sure how I felt like it. I’m one of those girls that once I find something I like, I rarely want to switch. Well, this actually may have changed my mind.

First, let me describe it to you. The top looks like a standard spray bottle, except it has a battery compartment. The top screws right onto bottles. The great thing is that you can get refills for it and just keep using the same top. As an eco-friendly type person, I like this because it actually means less waste.

The battery compartment makes it so you don’t have to continually squirt the product. You just hold the trigger down and spray. The sprayer causes the liquid to create a foam and then all you do is rub it and rinse! It can’t be much easier than that. Plus, it’s s’posed to repel soap scum for up to 4 days and it did it! Not to mention it made my sink faucet shine like it never has before! Woohoo! Did I mention that it actually smelled good? Not like some horrible chemical! Yay!

Ok, I just wanted to be sure I told you all about it. If you’re interested, check out this link for a chance to win a $100 gift card by playing the Power Sprayer Showdown. There’s also a $5 coupon  there, too!

As part of the BzzAgent program, I received a sample of this product to review as part of a BzzAgent Campaign.

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