It’s actually late on Sunday night, but I have my menu planned and what may be a crazy day for tomorrow, so I’m going to post this now before life gets in the way and I go and forget.
After talking with Peter, it turns out that he had already planned on getting bikes for the boys. Yay, good Dad! This means that I no longer have to worry about that portion of things. Also, I checked into it and it turns out that I can take the boys swimming for $9 each trip. Since I wouldn’t be able to take them more than once a week anyway, that drops the cost down to $36/month which is more do-able, I think. So, bonus there.
So, that just brings me to this week’s menu. I can’t believe that I’m this on the ball. Now, granted, it’s not the healthy menu that I had hoped to have ready for this week, but then again, it’s not the most unhealthy meal I’ve ever seen either. Ready? Here goes:
Monday – Homemade Lasagna
Tuesday – Cheeseburgers
Wednesday – Crockpot Chicken & Dumplings
Thursday – Tacos
Friday – Homemade Pizza
Saturday – BBQ Turkey Sandwiches
Sunday – BBQ Meatloaf
And, that’s the food for this week. Tomorrow (Monday), I have my radio show from noon until 3pm eastern. I also have to call the mechanic. On the way home tonight, I realized that the controls for my rear windows were no longer working and of course, my one window is stuck in the open position. I can’t afford new motors or whatever has gone, but I’m hoping the mechanic can get the window closed for pennies on the dollar. I guess we’ll see!