Happy Friday, everyone! I hope that everyone out there had a better day than I did here. I swear it was just one darn thing after another. None of them were major but when you’re tired and hormonal, they sure seem to be.

Let’s see, the day started out at 5:30am when I woke up and realized I had left the lawn mower outside and it was raining. After taking care of that, I crawled back into bed and in my exhausted state, way overslept and had to scramble to put my radio show together. Then, during the show, I realized that the darn Magic Jack had hijacked my microphone. The entire show was pure chaos. Plus, I pouted about the fact that I don’t think anyone is really listening to the show.
Then, I dealt with some obnoxious people and realized one of my shelves in the bedroom had completely fallen out of the wall, dumping books everywhere. Oh, and the cats knocked over my container of plastic containers. Ugh. I’m telling you, I’ve totally had enough of today.
So, what am I going to finish today. I’m going to try to finish feeling sorry for myself. I’m going to curl up with the cheeseburger I just made and watch this week’s episode of Glee off of the dvr. Thank goodness for technology. Then, I’m going to remember all of the good things in my life and pick up those plastic containers. No more decisions tonight. No worrying about if I should continue my radio show. Just relaxation and a lovely cheeseburger.

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