Whew! It’s Monday! I got up early today and got some stuff done before my radio show which was a good feeling. The show went really well except for some technical issues right in the middle. The bonus was that the difficulties didn’t have much of an effect on the show that people heard. Whew!

I have tons to get done this week and things seem to keep getting thrown in my path. I got a call, right after the show started, from Peter saying that I couldn’t ride with them to Ben’s doctor’s appointment tomorrow because they had to go get Donna’s last name changed and stuff after the appointment. That really messes with my day tomorrow but that’s how life goes, right? It just means trying to cram more into today.

So, this week’s menu is going to be full of quick and easy and what I have around the house. Let’s see:

Monday- Poor Man’s Tuna Noodle Casserole
Tuesday- Chicken & Rice
Wednesday- Soup
Thursday- Chili Dogs
Friday- Spaghetti Tacos
Saturday- Taco Pasta
Sunday- Leftovers

Whew! There we go! Now, I’m off to get more work done! See y’all tomorrow with more postings!


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