I’m running behind with this post but I have a very good reason! I was on the radio! I did a practice run of my radio show this afternoon from 2-5pm. I’m sorry for not posting about it here, but it came together rather quickly. The exciting news is that I will be officially on air starting this Wednesday. The show will run from noon-3pm est and I hope that all of you will tune in! I need all the support that I can get. If you want more information, check out my website at MusicallySunshine.com. It has all of the information you need to be able to tune in.

Now, on to the menu for this week:

Monday- Crab Cakes
Tuesday- Pesto Chicken Pockets
Wednesday- Taco Chicken Pockets
Thursday- Shrimp Pasta
Friday- Poor Man’s Tuna Noodle “Casserole”
Saturday- Leftover Night
Sunday- Orange Glazed Chicken w/ rice ‘salad’

Now, I’m off to work on some scrapbook pages that need to get finished and out in the mail. Don’t worry, I’ll take some photos and post them here before I post those pages in the mail!

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