Time for Me Thursday

Woo! It’s Thursday and it’s been such a great week so far. The boys have been here and while we haven’t been super productive, we’ve had lots of fun together. We’ve been reading book 1 of the Percy Jackson series and really enjoying it. We’ve also been catching up on our iCarly watching. We did some cleaning out in the garage and would have done more if the weather hadn’t suddenly gone cold and rainy on us.

They don’t know it yet, but I’m going to be surprising them on Saturday with a trip to Swede’s for lunch. They’re going to love it! I love when I can surprise them, even if it’s just with little things like some of the most delicious wet burritos in the whole world.

Since today is nearly done, I think my time for me is going to be just sitting back and relaxing and enjoying the rest of my night with the boys. We’ve decided on spaghetti and garlic bread for dinner and it’s time for me to get in that kitchen to make it!


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