Well, it’s not quite Wednesday so somehow I feel like I’m ahead of the game. I promise that I’m going to start getting back on schedule, soon. It’s good for me and good for you.
Today was not super exciting or busy. I spent tons of time with the boys when there wasn’t someone knocking on my door. I found someone to come pick up some fence posts. It turns out she lives 4 blocks from me! I also arranged for someone else to come out and pick up some other misc. garage items that I found. I also saved a box of books from finding a dumpster. My neighbor across the street is clearing out his garage and everything, useful or not, is going into a dumpster it seems. They even threw out some perfectly good clothes. It makes me sad but I’m not going to sneak over there in the middle of the night to rescue them, either.
I think the big tackle today was dealing with Roger’s schoolwork. He’s gotten a bit lazy lately and has fallen behind. His teacher is concerned that the work is a bit too easy for him and so he feels like he can put it off. Well, putting it off has earned him homework time each day this week. Homework during Spring break isn’t as much fun as other things he could be doing. Oddly enough, he doesn’t seem to mind too much. He seems to really enjoy the one on one time it gets him with me.
Well, that was today! I’m off to bed so maybe I can have tomorrow’s up before so late at night!