(almost) Wordless Wednesday

I know, I know…I’m late again and I am very sorry for it. I’m just having one of those weeks where I don’t feel much like being around technology. Does that ever happen to you? It just seems like technology is not being friendly.

It all started with Dell and continued to where I saw something last night that my brain can still not accept that I even saw. I won’t get into the second one because well, it is not family or even user friendly in my book. As for Dell, let’s just say it’s a long story that had better have a happy ending or I will never purchase or recommend them again.

Now, I would also like to mention that I’m posting this using I.E. which I never, ever do and now I can see why I never do. It just does not like blogger. So, if this whole post turns out looking like rubbish, blame it on that and not me, ok?

My Water Bottle

Over at Sunday Shutterbugs, the theme for this week was Drip. Wow, that is a seriously hard task for someone like me. I know how to point and shoot with my camera and the girls over there took these amazing photos that I wouldn’t even begin to know how to get. So, after some pondering, the above is my offering for this week. That’s my new water bottle, which I totally adore. It keeps things lovely and cold (or hot) which is great since I drink about the speed of a snail. It’s really something I’m working on and having my shiney water bottle is helping.

Well, that’s it for this post. I’m going to hit publish and write up my Thursday post. I’m not adding in the MckLinky for this week because nobody seems to be signing up on it. If I do get a couple of requests for it, I will bring it back this week.

Edited because IE messed up the layout and it looked baaaaaaad.

2 thoughts on “(almost) Wordless Wednesday

  1. Well,now you have my curiosity up! How dare you! LOL

    Thanks for contributing to our Sunday Shutterbug post this week Katie!


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