And…it’s Friday! Wow, what an adventure Thursday turned out to be. I had this great plan of everything I was going to get done. It all fell by the wayside when the woman who was coming to pick up a round of Freecycling knocked on my front door. It turns out that her transmission burst a seal right in front of my house. She had left her house without a coat, without her phone and without her debit card. I loaned her a jacket and walked with her up to the hardware store and bought her a quart of transmission fluid in the hopes it was just a leak and this would get her home. No suck luck though. It poured right back onto the snow, so all we did was dye the snow pink. I invited her into the house (trust me, I winced doing it but I couldn’t leave her out in the cold) and loaned her my phone so she could call her hubby. Well, it turns out she had taken his keys which had the only key to their second vehicle. Luckily, he could borrow a car from a friend and came out to pick her up. We pushed the truck totally off the street and they headed out. The only problem was that this whole thing took about 3 hours. Right after they left, Peter pulled in with the boys and I needed to make dinner and then instead of a movie, we watched the first half of the Survivor premier together.

What does all that mean? Everything that didn’t happen yesterday is getting rolled onto today. So, my finish projects for today: rebox the books that got knocked over and get them out to the porch for freecycle pickup, change the cat litter, kgb work and work more on the wall. I also need to study with the boys for upcoming tests and maybe make some cookies.

So, what does all that mean? A busy day for this girl. It’s ok though because I have my boys with me and they’ll help me out when/where they can. We also did homemade pizza tonight for dinner so tomorrow night we’ll be making up a lasagna. They’re the official cheese sprinklers when we make pizza or lasagna or anything that requires sprinkled on cheese.

Now, I know you’re all anxiously awaiting your challenge. We’re going back down to the kitchen. Well, it’s down in my house because the two bedrooms are both upstairs. I was talking with Jim tonight and he mentioned boxing up and storing his Kitchenaid stand mixer because he never used it. As I’ve been telling all of you since Day 1 of the challenge, if you don’t love it or use it, set it free. Don’t let it take up valuable space in your home that could be used for something you want. So, that’s your challenge. I want you to go through all of those small appliances and figure out just which ones you actually use. If you don’t use it, let it go! I’m personally going to be looking for a new home for a couple of the appliances that are living in my kitchen. Not only do I never use them, but I need to make room for a stand mixer! I’m a lucky, lucky girl and Jim has decided to give it to me because he knows I will love, love, love it!

I’m off to get some rest before I start finishing up my to do list for today! I can’t wait to see what all of you get finished off of your lists!

One thought on “Finish It Friday

  1. OK, so I have already set some appliances free, so I decided to evaluate my bookshelves. If I don't need them or love them, I am getting them together for a trip down to half-price books. You have seen my bookshelves, and I am trying to thin them out. Wish me luck!

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