Ugh..It feels like a Monday. *grins* I can’t even say that with a straight face because we all know, that for some unknown most likely chemical imbalanced reason, I love Mondays. I know..I know…there’s just no making sense of some people.

Today is going to be one of those days. You know the kind, the ones where everything could go wrong but you’re still determined to make it a good day. That’s how today could be.

So, let’s see..what is there to catch people up on? Well, I guess the big thing is that darned van of mine. I took the boys to lunch for Roger’s birthday on Saturday and the darned thing stalled on me and I ended up coasting into the restaurant parking lot. Now, having a problem vehicle is stressful but having a problem vehicle when it’s your own vehicle and you live 21 miles from a decent grocery store and your kids is head exploding stressful. I called the mechanic this morning and he said I can bring it in tomorrow and they’ll check it out and give me an estimate for free. Free is good. Free is very good. He also thinks it’s just a problem sensor which is a quick, cheap fix. Now cheap for him might be different than cheap for me, but I’m hopeful. So, keep your fingers crossed for me folks.

Other than that, life is pretty much same old same old. The boys were here this weekend and we had a great time together. Roger and I played a bunch of games while Ben was thrilled to find one of his missing video games. All of us hung out together, watched movies together and ate delicious (in their words, the best food!) together. We made homemade pizza on Friday and homemade lasagna on Saturday. mmmmm…so good…hehe. Roger helped me fix the PC and they both helped with some more deboxing.

Speaking of deboxing, have you guys seen that orgjunkie is doing a 28 day organizing challenge? She’s even giving away prizes for the best before/after pictures at the end of the month. You know I have to participate in this and I’m going to even go one step further by trying to give everyone here an organizing challenge each day. I say try because well, you know, sometimes I get forgetful. I’m going to be working on “The Wall” and can’t wait to post the before and after pictures at the end of the month. It may take me an entire month to beat that room into shape. I feel like a lion tamer with a chair sometimes, telling the stuff in there, “Back..back..stop spilling out. Get back with you, I say!” I’d love for all of you to participate.

Now, on to the very reason I signed in to post today! It’s Monday and that means Menu Planning! Yaaaayyy! Ahem. Right, menu planning. So, here we go:

Monday – Crock Pot Chicken & Dumplings (already cooking! Plus, the recipe was posted here on Saturday!)
Tuesday – Steak w/ Broccoli & Tatos (need to use up that delicious broccoli)
Wednesday – Chili
Thursday – Leftover Night
Friday – Hamburgers w/ Steamed Veggies
Saturday – Breakfast Night – Eggs or French Toast
Sunday – Wrap Night – Chicken Ranch Wraps

Man, this weeks looks good and it’s making me hungry! Thank goodness it’s almost lunchtime.

Oooh..and remember how I said 28 days of organizing challenges right here? Did you think I’d already forgotten? Admit it, I know you did..hehe…but I didn’t! So, here’s your first challenge. If you’re anything like me, you have tons and tons of cookbooks. I want you to go to wherever you keep them and look down the shelf. Are there any there that you just never use? If so, I want you to take them right off the shelf and get them right out of your house. You could freecycle them, donate them somewhere or if you know someone who will be moving into their first place or getting married soon, why not help them get started with what I’m sure is a fabulous cookbook. It just doesn’t work fabulously for you!


One thought on “Menu Plan Monday

  1. Good luck with all of your organizing! Sounds like you definitely have a good plan going on. I would love for you to join me for Crock Pot Wednesday whenever you can. There's a giveaway going on.

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