Wow, have you ever had a Friday that just didn’t feel like a Friday? I could swear that it’s a Monday. Maybe it’s the confusion of the holidays getting me. It could be the headache that is valiantly trying to form behind my forehead. It could be my youngest child also trying valiantly to do his own thing today instead of what I’m needing him to do.
Either way, no matter what it is, it certainly feels like a Monday. So, while I’m saying silent prayers for strength, I’m also considering what unfinished project we might work on today. I’m thinking it will have something to do with the house. Actually, I think we’re going to work on getting the boys new things all upstairs and tidying up this living room. Will we finish? Oh, probably not but we will certainly finish parts of it and considering it’s Christmas break and everyone is tired from last night, I’m thinking finishing parts is a good place to start.
How about everyone else? Are you going to finish anything today? Maybe wrapping up 2009? Putting decorations away? Clearing up the last of that wrapping paper that seems to hide where you least expect to find it? Let me know!