If you’re anything like me, you did your taxes this week. Blech! But, for those of you who haven’t and for those of you, like me, who know you’ll have…
If you celebrate Easter and love the tradition of dying Easter eggs like I do, how about trying a natural approach this year? Instead of buying packaged dyes, experiment with…
Ok, I know I’ve mentioned Freecycle here time and time again, but really it’s a great thing! We’re coming up to Spring and so a lot of us are in…
Rig up a rain barrel to catch rainwater from your gutters! Try an inexpensive 50-gallon food-grade drum, which you can get from drum and barrel suppliers for around $10. Be…
Today we’re gonna go outdoors. If you’re like me, you’re plotting your gardens and your flowers. This year, how about making those areas no-spray zones? Start with disease and pest-resistant…
Did you know that companies can continue receiving mail for employees for five or more years after they’ve moved along? This adds up to a ton of waste and a…
Ugh..I know, it’s Tuesday. I meant to write this on Sunday, but I’ve been sick since last Wednesday. So sick that I missed classes on Thursday and I’m home again…
As some of you have seen, I’m participating in the Earth Hour 2 Earth Day Challenge. As part of that, I’ve said I’ll post things here to help educate you…
I know I’ve been missing for a while. I spent a week in Michigan and school has been a bit nuts. I’m back now though and what better to come…
The other day, I really wanted a new book to read so today i decided to go out to AmVets while I was errand running. For those of you who…