And here we are, Tuesday..ok, it’s really Wednesday, but we’re going to pretend that it’s still Tuesday, ok?, as I was we are, Tuesday and as always, there are tons of things that need to be tackled. Are any of you taking down your decorations and storing them yet? That would be a good tackle, but one that I’m putting off until next week. My decorations are getting a major organizational overhaul and I’m waiting until the boys are back at their dad’s to handle it. I got a great deal on the Christmas totes at Meijer’s with some Christmas money. I got 2 of them for $8 and I’m going to sort all my Christmas things (or what I can fit into the 2 this year and get another one next year if needed) into Tree Decorations/Other Decorations. Plus, since they’re red/green, they’ll be easily identifiable next year when I’m looking for the right box. Sheesh, with any luck, by this time next year, there will be no boxes. I don’t like storing things in boxes because well, rodents like cardboard (I’m thinking garage storage, not house storage.) and plus, if anything leaks (like a certain barn roof), cardboard gets wet and things get ruined.
Ok, so what did I tackle yesterday? Well, I tackled getting us out of my Grandmother’s house for one thing. I love visiting, but I swear it’s like a black hole when you’re trying to escape. I need warp drive engines or something. (oh my god, that was the geekiest thing to say..someone shoot me now…*grins*) Then, I tackled putting a quart of oil into my van because my father said it was a quart low and father’s know best on these things. Then, I tried to pick up a bookcase, but the person wasn’t home. Then, I went to the bank and tackled getting some paperwork I needed.
Then, best of all, the boys and I tackled using up a gift card that we had gotten for Christmas. I think I mentioned here that Jim had given us a Celebration Cinemas gift pack as part of our Christmas gift. Well, we loved using it yesterday! We used $15 of the gift card to get our tickets to go see Alvin & The Chipmunks: The Squeakal and then another $4.50 of it to get us 2 large sodas to share. We got 2 because the gift pack included a buy one/get one coupon on the sodas. Then, we used the popcorn bucket and filled it up once for during the movie and then once for at home, except the boys ate it all on the way home! The movie was great, better than the first one, in all of our opinions. We still have most of the coupon pack and 50c left on our gift card. I don’t know when I’ll have the money for us to all go again, but it was a wonderful treat and I’m so thankful for friends who gave us something that we could all love and do as a family.
After the movie, it was off to Meijers for a quick grocery run and then finally back to the house, where I tackled getting us all inside and the trash out to the curb. Roger tackled giving the kitties food and water and then we all relaxed. Not a bad day of small tackles, if you ask me!