Look…it’s a post! and it’s on time! It’s Thursday and I’ve been pondering what to do for me today because it really is super important that as women and caretakers, we take good care of ourselves first. If we take care of ourselves, we have more to give those in our lives. So, what am I doing today for me?
I’m going to “start” a project that I started a long, long time ago. Those of you who know me, know that I’m a bit of a music whore. If you have music, I want it. *grins* So, needless to say, I have tons of music. A few years ago, I started organizing it on an external hard drive. I never, ever finished that project. Today, I’m going to do some work on starting it over again. Jim, as an early Christmas present, got me a 1 tb drive! Woo! I’m so excited. It means that I can finally put all of my music on one drive. My plan for today is to take the music from 2 of the drives and move it onto the new drive. Then, once I find the power cords to the other drives, I’ll move all of that music over too. Then, the organizing it by genres can continue. Then, it will leave me with drives that I can have for specific purposes. I’ll have one as a backup drive for important files, one for photo backups, one as a traveling drive and so on and so on.
Now, I want to know what all of you are doing for yourselves today? I know that this time of year is so stressful for so many people and that honestly, instead of finding alternatives or solutions, they just give up so I want to be sure that you’re all taking care of yourselves.