(almost) Wordless Wednesday

Ok, I know it’s Thursday, but I just finished what I needed to finish to do my Wednesday post. Over at Sunday Shutterbugs, the theme for this week is Heart. Now, this is a great theme. It’s one that you can interpret in so many different ways. I’m taking something that someone special said to me the other day and using that for my interpretation. He told me that every time he receives a homemade present from me, he can see my heart and love in each and every one of them. So, with all of that being said, here is the project I’ve been working on for the past week. It’s going to my nephew, Dominic, for Christmas. It’s just a shame that all of my tape is outside in the van…*looks outside at the snow, knowing that it’s like 0 with the windchill without even checking weather.com*

22 seperate piecesWorks in progressCab car in positionTrain in progressJust missing the roofChoo Choo!

And there it is…one completed Train Bank for Mr. Dominic Nathaniel.


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