I so meant to write here on Monday and yesterday, but life got a hold of me and didn’t let go. Over the weekend, the boys and I went over to my Grandmother’s so that we could visit and while there, on Sunday, both of the boys threw up. That meant that we stayed over until Monday and by the time we got back, got their things around and Peter picked them up, my poor journal was long forgotten. Plus, on Sunday night, I started not feeling good and it turns out that Ben gave me his cold so yesterday was spent doing a tiny bit of puttering around the house, a lot of time reading (big thanks to my sister for loaning me books 1-3 of the House of Night series) and some time working on Dominic’s Christmas present. I’m down to only needing to finish 6 pieces on that before assembly so it’s finally coming along.
Let’s see, so I don’t really have a menu for this week because with all the sickness, I didn’t go to the grocery store and we’re in for some nasty weather so I’m putting it off until next Wednesday when I have to drive to Lansing anyway. So, I’m going to wing it out of my cupboards/fridge. There’s plenty of food there, just not fresh fruits/veggies.
Monday – Pizza Rolls
Tuesday – Ham, Cheese and Onion Omelette
Wednesday – Grilled Cheese Sandwich
Thursday – Taco Chicken Packet
Friday- Soup
Saturday – Chili
Sunday – Chili leftovers
Now, as for what I tackled yesterday, I’m sorry to say that mostly it was getting well again. I did do some tidying around the house though and worked on Christmas presents. So, I’m going to count that. Now, I need to see if I have any photos for this week’s Sunday Shutterbug. I totally dropped the ball and didn’t post one for pairs last week and this week is heart. If you haven’t gone over and seen their blog this week, you really should.
I read the whole house of night to the latest book and man are they awesome!