Happy Thursday, world! I don’t know how all of you are doing, but I’m doing ok. My energy stores are low but I’m slowly getting back to the point where I’m getting some stuff done around the house again. I tidied up the bathroom last night and I’m working on and off getting some stuff done in the kitchen. I’ve started a new freecycle box that hopefully someone will grab up so I can get some more stuff out of my house. I did get the newsletter done so now I just have to find someplace I can get it printed out. I’d rather do it here at the house, but I’m fairly certain I just don’t have enough ink in the printer and 2 new ink cartridges will be more expensive than just having 35 copies of it printed out. Today I had hoped to get my Christmas cards out to start working on those, but my light has burned out in “the wall” and because of the stuff still in there, I can’t get to where I need to for changing out the bulbs. On top of that, it’s so overcast today that you’d swear it was after dusk in that room.
So, after all of this, what am I doing for me today? Well, I’ll probably just continue working around the house as I can. Organization and clean spaces make me a happy katie and happy katie is a good thing. I think one of the first things I’m going to do is go throw a load of laundry into the washing machine. Then, I can run the other load that’s been sitting around waiting for me to feel better. Instead of feeling bad that I haven’t gotten more done, I’m just happy to know that every little bit helps, even if it’s just done in little bits.
Stopping by to say hello. Enjoyed my visit to your blog. Hope you enjoy your Thursday. I am recharging my batteries too today. Thankfully the sun is shining and it is a beautiful autumn day here.
Hello! I have been terrible about commenting/posting/twitter recently, however I'm still here, and wanted to say hello! I have been doing some major battery charging too!