Ok, I hadn’t planned on blogging more than once today, but I just read something that makes me so sad that I just had to write about it. About a year ago or so, I found this wonderful new blog called Use Your Stash and I loved it! They had great challenges and were just really wonderful women. Well, today, for the first time since the move, I thought I’d pop in there and maybe it would motivate me to get through the wall boxes so I could start crafting again. Much to my dismay, there’s a post saying that this will be their last month! What? Noooooo! nonononono!
Alright, I know that stomping my feet and throwing a fit won’t do me a lick of good, but I really loved this blog and I hate when I find something wonderful just to have to vanish. For any of you who used/loved/visited their blog in the past, please go on over and give these wonderful women some love. I’m sure that it wasn’t an easy decision for them to close down. Plus, if you need further incentive, Kimmie is giving away some of her crafting things and for a comment, you get an entry. She’s a hugely generous soul.