(almost) Wordless Wednesday

Last weekend, Roger was here and we had a wonderful time together. Like any mom, I did manage to get a few pictures taken of the things we did and I wanted to share them with you. Now, over on Sunday Shutterbugs, the theme for this week was squares. As you can see, I guess I was hoping that it would be circles. For me, this time of year is all about circles. There are apples and pumpkins and ok, well that’s all that’s coming to mind but I’m sure there are other things too. *grins*

So, here are our weekend activities. I just love that he loves doing this kind of thing with me.

Milk Jug Birdfeeder
This is the bird feeder that we made together. It’s now hanging outside on our trellice thing a ma bob (yes that’s the technical term.) filled with homemade bird food.

Halloween Pumpkins
And here are our pumpkins. I did the one on the bottom and Roger did the one on the top. We call his Mr Scary Pumpkin Man. His shirt says I love Candy and I think he’s saying something like Give me candy. Mine is just carrying a candy basket. I can’t wait until Ben and I do his this coming weekend.


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