(almost) Wordless Wednesday

Before I get into the story that goes along with my picture, I just wanted to mention a new photo challenge group that I know of. Edie and Corinna have launched a new blog called Sunday Shutterbugs. Each Sunday, they will each post a picture that they took that day/week. They’re both very good photographers. In fact, if I ever get married again, I want Edie to do the wedding photos. Anyway, they’re inviting all of us to also post a link to a photo that we’ve taken. So, this week, I’ll be posting this photo…

Meet Vegas

Now for those of you who have followed my photo stream over on Flickr, you know this handsome lad is Vegas. Vegas came to us from England and he is a very well loved member of our family. So loved, in fact, that Roger insists on taking him back and forth between his Dad’s place and mine, even though Vegas actually belongs to me. Not only that, but he was going back and forth to school with Roger every day and even going outside at recess! That’s where Vegas had a pretty big adventure. It seems Roger and one of his friends were playing with Vegas and somehow he got thrown onto the roof of the school! Oh my…I told the boys that monkies can’t really fly… Anyway, it seems he spent 2 days (including an overnight!) up on that roof and of course it rained. Poor monkey. I’m sure he was thrilled when someone finally rescued him. Of course, then he had to take a bath and we all know that monkies do not like the washing machine. Vegas didn’t escape unscathed, I’m sorry to say. His one eye is now scratched and his shirt will never look clean again. Roger and Vegas are still the best of friends, but Vegas has retired from the adventure circuit for now…


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