It’s Friday! Wow! Where the heck did the week go? I coulda sworn that yesterday was Monday or something. Yet, here it is Friday already. I have company coming for the weekend (yes, for the 2nd weekend in a row. no, my house isn’t much more ready than it was last weekend!) and in theory, he ought to be already on the road, but I haven’t heard a peep from him.

I’ll admit that I’m a tad nervous about having him here. While he, at times, has been a really good friend, he can also be on the judgmental side and that sure can ruin a fun weekend. Well, I’m going to think positive and just know right now that we’re going to have a nice weekend catching up.

So, the real question is..what am I finishing today? I’m going to be flat out honest and say I haven’t the slightest idea. I’m not totally sure when he’ll get here, so I don’t want to pull out or start working on a big project just to have to abandon it midstream…so my big plan for today is to just putter around and do what I can do. My Finish It plan for the weekend includes getting that a/c unit out and put away so if we need to, we can turn on that furnace! I’ve been putting it off because a) a/c unit in the window means cold air leaking in/warm air leaking out and b) I am nowhere near ready for the winter heating bill. All this being said though, it is currently 63 inside this house and I slept in a scarf last night. Let’s hope that getting that a/c unit out and that window closed helps with that!

Well, I’m off to haul the recycling out to the curb. They only pickup once every two weeks so I don’t want to miss it! My bin is overflowing as usual. I need to ask about getting a 2nd bin. We try to recycle as much as we can. Take care and be sure to sign the MckLinky and/or leave me a comment, letting me know what you’re finishing today!


One thought on “Finish It Friday

  1. Mister Linky is up and ready for this week's Crock Pot Wednesday. Thanks so much for participating last week. I hope to see you again this week. Thanks a bunch. Debbie.

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