Menu Plan Monday – A Day Late

I know! I’m late! Today was one of those days where it was a holiday and it changed my routine and I plum forgot to post! But, I’m going to make up for it right now.

So let’s…no news. The van is still sitting in Lansing at the mechanics. As of this morning, they didn’t have the part yet. If they get the part early enough in the day, they can get it done same day. Otherwise, it’s the next day. What does all this mean? It means they have no idea when my van will be done. It also means that I will be missing the open house at the boys school tonight. This was not how I wanted to start off their school year. Ugh!

Now, onto the menu. I’m starting a new..what’s the word I want…experiment. I have a ton of cookbooks. I love cookbooks. So, each week, I’m going to attempt (notice I say attempt) to plan the menu out of a different cookbook. This will help me weed out any cookbooks that just won’t work for our family plus it will let me try some new recipes! Each week, I’ll tell you the name of the cookbook and if possible, even post a picture of it so y’all can see.

This week’s choice (simply because I found it sitting on top of the dryer, waiting to be put away) is American Heart Association’s Low-Fat, Low-Cholesterol Cookbook. Like most of you, I’m hoping it doesn’t taste as bland as it sounds. So, here we go:

Monday – Gone
Tuesday – Mexican Beef & Corn Bread Pie (leaving out bell pepper & using cornbread mix) (pg. 190-191)
Wednesday – Marinated Steak (pg. 174)
Thursday – Crispy Oven-Fried Chicken (pg. 128)
Friday – Pizza or Dogtrack, assuming I have the van back
Saturday – Tacos (because they’re one of Ben’s favorite foods)
Sunday – French Toast (because both boys love it so very much)

What are you making this week?


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