Finish It Friday – Last Day of Summer

Well, it’s here. One of the few days of the year that I just dread. Today is the “last day of summer” here in our house. Now, I know that technically summer isn’t over for a couple of more weeks, but for me, it always ends on the day that the boys go back to their dad’s for the school year. I hate today. As a mom, I feel like they should be with me. It’s my job to pick them up from school and to do homework with them. Instead, it’s not me. It’s Peter’s fiancee, Donna. This troubles my mom heart a lot. It doesn’t make it any easier when my baby tells me that he doesn’t want to go back. He wants to be with me. He’s concerned with a bit of bullying that happened last year and that mom won’t be there to help him deal with it this year if it happens again. It’s hard for me to reassure him that mom is close enough now that I can come over if he needs me to. I stayed home with the boys for the first 5-6 years of their lives. I regret that I can’t be there like I should now.

So, today’s finish it project is one that I’ve put off until the last possible moment for the past 3 years. Today, I have to finish packing up the boys and having all of their stuff ready by 5pm when there father could be here. Tonight, the house will seem empty but for today, I’m going to enjoy hearing their laughter, maybe even some of their brother’ish bickering and I’m going to collect all the loves, hugs and kisses that I can.


2 thoughts on “Finish It Friday – Last Day of Summer

  1. Oh Katie–how heart-breaking. I'm sure there are good reasons for this arrangement but it sure seems like it would hurt a mum's heart. Sending you hugs!

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