Hey everyone! I’m back with another post…but without my camera cable. How annoying is that? I have tons of great pictures to download and can’t! Hopefully I’ll remember where I…
Well, this is late and I don’t have my pretty picture! I store all of those images on a separate drive and of course, I don’t have it downstairs with…
It’s Part 2! I promised it to you and here it is! Smoky Apple Butter Ribs-(prep: 10min cook: 10hr + 5min) 3 pounds pork boneless country-style ribs3/4 tsp salt1/2 tsp…
Happy Monday, all! Yes, that’s right, it’s Monday again which means time for my menu! I never did get here on either Thursday or Friday last week. That’s because…Surprise!…I found…
Surprise! I had a couple of requests for some crock pot recipes, so I thought I would surprise you with Part 1 of a 2 part recipe post. Part 1…
Wow, I haven’t done a great blogging job this week, have I? I meant to all day yesterday but then I ended up tackling bills (which would have been my…
Good morning! Oops, Good afternoon and Happy Monday! Yes, that’s right, it’s Monday again which means time for my menu! Now, I do have to apologize for not posting here…
Brrr…is it cold where you are? I wouldn’t say that it’s precisely cold here, but the house thermostat read 65 when I checked it a few minutes ago. I’m starting…
Happy Wednesday! Is it a lovely day where you are? It certainly is here! The air has just that lovely little nip of cold in it which tells me that…
Wow, I had a totally feeling sorry for myself day today. Does that ever happen to any of you? I tried to keep myself going, but I admit that it…