Tackle It Tuesday – Randomness

*yawn* Yep, that’s right. I’m super sleepy today. It’s “girl grossness” time around here which always leaves me totally drained. What does that mean for Tackle It Tuesday? It means my list is full of very non physically intensive work. It also generally means that I spend most of the time puttering around, doing things as I have little energy bursts.

So, that’s my plan for today. I’m going to putter around the house. Dinner is already decided (I love Menu Plan Monday!), tomorrow is baking day and the bread dough is already made and in the fridge waiting for me. My youngest son is insisting I play Bakugan with him. I have no idea what I’m doing, but he’s enjoying it and that’s what matters to me.

This week is a short week with the boys. They’re here tomorrow but on Thursday (warning, Thursday’s post will be late in the day), we have to get up early and go to DHS so that we’re there around 8:30am with the hopes that someone will actually see us like we were told. Then, we should have enough time to drive over to Hastings, snag some lunch and then the boys both have dentist appointments. Since we’ll already be in Hastings, I’m going to drop them off at Peter and Donna’s. I still need to see if Peter will bring them back here on Sunday to save me a trip in.

So, that’s my “lazy” day around here. I might even find time for a nap since I just feel plain old wiped. What are all of you tackling today?


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