The weekend flew by way too fast. We had a nice one though. This past weekend was the Farmer’s Picnic here in Sunfield. What I didn’t realize is that this is actually the village festival each summer. The boys and I missed a lot of it just because we didn’t know, but we did get to check out the parade (it runs a block from our house!) and they got a ton of candy. I love that this parade still throws out candy to the kids lining the street. After that, we checked out the library book sale and met the librarian (who is very, very nice) and walked away with a bunch of vhs movies and 4 boxes of books for something like $12. He threw in some books so anything that we don’t want may find itself as a giveaway here or a freecycle donation. We shall see! We also went down and saw the various games that were being run at the park and hauled a blanket over and watched the fireworks display. It was the first time the boys had ever seen them up close and in person and they loved it and are already talking about next year. As for me, I loved them too but we were so close, I had to come home and shower the bits of firework paper and ash out of my hair and where it had fallen down my Saturday, one of the homeowners came over and fixed some problems on the house. Much to my relief, he seems like a nice guy. Yesterday was a total be a bum, be lazy day. We spent some time reading and then the rest of the day just relaxing. Now, I s’pose that I’ve spent all this time talking about the weekend, I should actually figure out my menu. It’s a bit of a crazy week with DHS appointments and Dentist appointments, but here we go:
Monday- Cheeseburgers w/ Corn on the Cob
Tuesday- Goulash
Wednesday- Roast w/ carrots & tatos
Thursday- Mac n Cheese w/ tuna & peas **
Friday- Pesto stuffed Chicken **
Saturday- Leftovers **
Sunday- Eggs & toast **
** – Days the boys are at their Dad’s or eating dinner there.
Oooh, a menu plan. Lets see, my menu plan for the week: food, food, and more food.