Has anyone else noticed that this summer has seemed to just fly by? I feel like I just moved a couple of weeks ago and suddenly I realized that it’s been two months! I ought to be frustrated that this house isn’t in tip top totally unpacked shape by now, but I’m not. I’ve had a fun summer enjoying time with my boys, working part time and just remembering how to enjoy life. We’ve unpacked some boxes and we have more to go. They’ll get done. I’m not worried about that at all. In fact, I need to take some pictures today and hopefully by next week, I’ll be posting some “look what we got done” pictures here to the blog.
But for now, it’s Thursday. Thursday means taking time out to say what can I do to make me feel special today? Well, yesterday I managed to get one of my bookshelves into position which reminded me that it’s been a while since I just got to relax and spend an hour or so with a good book. So, that’s my plan for today. I may pull out the History of Ireland or another book that I spotted when hauling stuff around yesterday. Either way, I have a date with a good book and maybe a nice glass of something tasty to drink.
What will you do for yourself today?
Read Katies blog and keep up on her life!
Wow, that's honestly incredibly just wow that you would consider reading my blog a time for you thing! I hope you find the time to start posting more in your own. *hugs*