I’m taking a bit of a break from Tackle It Tuesday to introduce what may become a new feature here. Touch Base Tuesday is just a place for me to talk about whatever is on my mind, to catch folks up with what’s happening in my life and all of that.

So, what’s happening? Umm..now that I think about it, not a whole lot. The unpacking is coming along slowly. I had to work most of last week so not a whole lot got done. This week is moving slowly as I got sick on Sunday night and am still recovering from it. My main goal for this week is to get a handle on my finances. The US Postal System has goofed with my bills so I haven’t been getting them all. Hopefully I got that sorted out earlier today. Now, I just have to complete my list of bills and start getting them paid. Yeehaa!

I may/may not be going back on air for those of you who know me from my radio days. TrainRek radio approached me about doing a show three times a week for them, but we’re still working out the details. They have the chance to get a big name into the very time slot I’d wanted and so I’m waiting to see if the time slot is still available. If it’s not, it will be back to the drawing board. There are already some really great shows on their network, but I do want to warn you that they are of an adult nature. Please feel free to check them out, though!

Let’s see..other than that, not much is happening. Life is settling into its routines and that is good. I feel happier and healthier (ok, other than the stomach thing the other night) than I have in the past two years and I really feel like life has hope and promise again. There are things that I’m finding myself interested in and projects that I want to persue.

So, for now, I’m off to listen to some music and relax while my body heals. Post again tomorrow! Mwaaaah!


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