It’s been a hectic, cleaning filled week but I am so proud to say that we got everything on our lists accomplished. The house may not look different to someone…
Woo! It’s Friday! Can you believe it? This week has absolutely flown by. We’ve been busy doing things around the house and I’m starting to catch up on my blog…
Tears may seem like such an odd thing to have for a Time for Me Thursday, but today they’re just what I need. Ever since Mid-April, I’ve had all this…
Wednesday is here and each week I’ll have to decide if I want to do a Wordless Wednesday or Works For Me Wednesday. This week, I’ve decided to do a…
Wow, my blogging skills are rusty! I’m still not sure that I got this image in correctly. I might have to go back and tweak it. It is tough though…
So, did you miss me? Well, I certainly missed everyone and I very much missed blogging. The last month or so has been insane. The move ended up taking two…