Thanksgiving Weekend Run-Down

I told Abby that I would post some pics and a run down of my weekend, so here goes:

I picked Jim up at the airport and we were both hungry so we decided to stop and get some lunch. Pengu was riding along in my bag (which reminds me, I still need to get pics of it!) so he joined us.

Pengu loves Anderson's!

From there, we stopped and got the oil changed on the van and then we went thrifting!

Pengu reads the kindleJim with hair...Pengu makes a friend!Pengu gets fruits and veggies

On Thursday, we had to go out for our “annual newspaper stealing” and we stopped at K-mart to do a bit of shopping before heading back for Thanksgiving dinner.

Stealing the paper...Our Thanksgiving Dinner

We were supposed to go out Black Friday shopping at the crack of dawn, but that just didn’t happen. We did end up going out around 10am though and though the day wasn’t great, we did get some great deals.

Black Friday Ads


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