Super Sunday Challenge (a tad tardy)

Okie, first things first! An update on last week’s challenge. I got an email last night from Julia who let me know that the mystery object is actually a sugar holder! Who would have guessed?!? Certainly not me. I did a google image search and look what I found over on the Crafty Passions blog! It’s the very same one, except it has the little shovel with it! Amazing! Thank you, Julia for letting me know about the treasure that I found!

Now, on to this week’s challenge:
Being that it is December 1st, I’m sure that most of us are preparing for Christmas. This week’s challenge, if you choose to accept it, is to get your Christmas/Holiday cards ready to go out in the mail. This means:

Make your list
Buy/Make/Steal..erm…ok, just buy or make your cards
Get them all written
Get those envelopes addressed
Put stamps on them

If you make your cards, I would totally love to see them! Post them on your blog and then post a link back here so we can all appreciate them. Either way, be sure to leave me a note letting me know that you’ve participated! You never know when I might decide to randomly RAK a participant!


2 thoughts on “Super Sunday Challenge (a tad tardy)

  1. A sugar holder! I would have never guessed. Hmmm … cards, I really ought to got on that and do cards. I will probably go out and buy a box. thank you for the reminder. I will have to get on that this week.

  2. Complete with a SUGAR SHOVEL!?!? Get outta town! I want one! LOL.

    I *always* do cards, and I’m always the first person to send them out, but I won’t be doing any this year. I bought cards last year, so I have them, but no $$ to pay for the pix to go in them and then the stamps. They will still be cute next year. Right? It makes me sad, because it’s something I look forward to every year. Ah, well.

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