My Tackle It Tuesday Post…

It will be posted sometime tonight. My deep freeze got unplugged and everything..and I mean everything went bad. So far we’ve hauled out 3 trash bags full of chicken, turkey, hamburger, lean pockets…and more.. The whole apartment smells like bad chicken and I have no choice but to have the freezer off and open while the liquid (and there’s pry 3 inches of it) re thaws in the bottom so that I can somehow clean it out…there are 2 pies half frozen to the bottom…their packaging disintegrates every time I touch them…Needless to say, this is my Tackle It Tuesday but I need to let my stomach settle before I go back to tackle anymore of it.

2 thoughts on “My Tackle It Tuesday Post…

  1. Hope that the job got finished OK. The cleanup after something like that absolutely sucks. Make sure you bleach the inside of the freezer and the floor after you get done to kill any nasty bacteria that are lingering around.

  2. ugh…I hope you were able toget that all cleaned up… what a disgusting job. Our holiday trailer had gotten unplugged and I had stuff in the freezer…it wasn’t very pretty…LOL…

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