Ok, Edie is having photo issues so I’m gonna test this for her…
Adding Photos:
Step 1: Cursor where I want the photo.
Step 2: Push the photo button.
Step 3: Browse to photo on laptop.
Step 4: Choose photo and click Open.
Step 5: Make sure layout is set to none, image size to medium.
Step 6: Click upload image.
Step 7: Click Done.
In theory, my photo should go below this…and it didn’t. Hrm…this is new..what the heck…oh yeah, this is why I like doing it in edit html, I think. Let’s try it over there…
Ok, obviously blogger doesn’t like doing it the way it is s’posed to. That reminds me..cept for the ones I want at the top, I’ve always put them in my flickr account and copied the html into here. Well shoot…sorry, Eddie. But, for a smile, here’s the pic I was trying to get to work…