Indie Bookfest 2014 Schedule
Orlando, FL. August 8th-9th at the
Friday, August 8th.
7:00-8:00 Registration
8:15-8:55 Keynote Address- HM Ward
9:00-9:45 Session 1A (Got Flexibility?) & 1B (Got Reach?)
10:00-10:45 Session 2A (Got Serials?) & 2B (Got Gore?)
11:00-11:45 Session 3A (Got Character?) & 3B (Got Grit?)
12:00-12:45 Session 4A (Got Diversity?) & 4B (Got Game?)
12:45-2:15 Lunch Break
3:30-4:15 Session 6 (Got Fantasy?)
4:15-5:00 Session 7 (Got Romance?)
5:00-5:25 Closing Credits 😉
Saturday, August 9th.
1:00-4:00 Free-Entry Book Signing Event
6:00-10:00 After-Party!!! (50’s style!)
Indie Bookfest2014 Panels
Orlando, FL. August 8th-9th at the
Panel 1A- Got Flexibility?
(Tiffany King, Elise Marion, Courtney Cole, Casse Narome)
Today’s successful authors know that there isn’t a right or wrong way to publish, as a matter of fact some of the best are going HYBRID! Find out what being a hybrid author means and why it just … makes sense.
Panel 1B- Got Reach?
(Kobo Writing Life Presentation)
Presentation by Kobo Writing Life, one of Indie Bookfest’s 2014 sponsors.
Panel 2A- Got Serials?
(HM Ward, Rebecca Ethington, Sarra Cannon, Rene Folsom)
It’s new. It’s wow. And how! Not really … serials have been around about as far back as when authors had to pen their work by candle light with paper and a quill. Find out about this “new” wave of novella serials from some of the very authors who are writing and publishing them.
Panel 2B- Got Gore?
(Alexia Purdy, Rick Chiantaretto, Melanie Karsak, Adam Kunz)
Murder. Zombies. Mayhem. Find out how to keep the tingle going up your reader’s spine. See how gore, guts, & plot can work together to make an amazing story. A bone-chilling good time!
Panel 3A- Got Character?
(Maria V. Snyder, Claudia Gray, Raine Thomas, Adam Kunz)
If you ain’t got a character that readers can feel deeply for, you ain’t got much! Why plot, without great character development makes for a hollow story.
Panel 3B- Got Grit? Not all those who arrive survive!
(Kristie Cook, Amy Miles, K. S. Thomas, Carol Kunz)
So you wrote a novel? Cool! Now the real work begins. Hope you’ve got what it takes. Editing, beta readers, book covers, & swag. Oh MY! & let’s not even get started on the … marketing!
Panel 4A- Got Diversity?
(Inger Iverson, Casse Narome, Kristina Circelli, Ceci Giltenan)
The world is a colorful place filled with a huge variety of people, cultures, and diversity. So where is all the variety in our books? Take an inside look on what some authors are doing to portray heroes/heroines from different cultures and backgrounds.
Panel 4B- Got Game?
(Kristie Cook, Rick Miles, Tawdra Kandle, Mandie Stevens)
Time to market your book. Oh, boy. Marketing is hard. Marketing is a lot of work. But sometimes thinking outside of the box when it comes to trying to get your book noticed is just what can make the difference.
Panel 5- Got Mad Author Love?
(All authors attending Indie Bookfest!)
An interactive round of “Author Speed Dating”. Meet each and every one of our authors in this fun, fast-paced table-hop! (Some goodies may or may not be involved!) 😉
Panel 6- Got Fantasy?
(Maria V. Snyder, Claudia Gray, GP Ching, Chanda Hahn)
No matter what the current trends are in books, we will never tire of our paranormal, fantasy, and sci-fi reads. Am I right? Learn what it takes to make a fantasy plot really work and how these authors keep their writing fresh with new ideas.
Panel 7- Got Romance?
(Belinda Boring, Lacey Weatherford, Sawyer Bennett, Brenda Rothert)
Everyone loves a little boom-chicka-wah-wah every now and then. While some authors like to keep it sweet & light, some like to make their pages steam as they type. What is your flavor of romance?
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