Book Review: Lady Phillipa’s Peril

Travelling to her fiancés estate for her forthcoming marriage, Lady Phillipa Frencham counts herself as the happiest of young women. She is to wed Lord Hector Thurston, Baron of West Mead. The only bane in her life is her treacherous brother-in-law to be, Lord Demetrius who takes every opportunity to seduce her. How can she tell Hector of his brother’s ardour for her? To do so could result in a duel and ruin the wedding, even tear the family apart. However, she is unaware that Hector too may not be all he seems; and who is the new comer, the charming Lady Amaryllis Wilbraham?
On her arrival at the Manor, Phillipa receives a threatening note, ‘Marry at Your Peril’ which Hector casually dismisses as a poor joke. Enter the Duke of Denfordshire, who immediately enchanted with Phillipa, is determined to make her his own. Phillipa in turn fights with her heart, and her conscience, as danger besets her from all sides.

So often we see romances where the woman is with the wrong man and for the wrong reason. It was a lovely change of pace to see one where the lovely lady is with one because they really love them, even if it’s the wrong type of love.

This book was filled with amazing imagery and a story that with its humor, excitement and love. Phillipa is certainly a woman of her time, but she’s also one who is feisty and knows what it is that she wants. A very good read and for the kindle price, you can’t go wrong!


I received a copy of this book for the purpose of this review.  All thoughts, comments and opinions are my own.
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