Book Review: Protecting Portia

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Title:  Protecting

Series:  A Sugar
House Novella #2 (Stand-alone Series)

Author:  Pavarti K.

Published:  May
19th, 2014

Publisher:  Evolved

Word Count:  38,000

Genre:  Erotic

Content Warning:  Erotic
sexual content

Recommended Age: 


Jackson Grady met the love of his life. Unfortunately, he
was running drugs for a pimp named Sasha at the time, who asked him to keep an
eye on their new acquisition from Russia, the bedraggled beauty named Portia.
She touched his heart and forced him to confront the kind of man he’d become.

Now, Portia and Jackson both work at The Sugar House. He
continuously looks out for her, and longs for her with his every breath, but
knows he is unworthy of such an angel. What will Portia do to win not only the
heart, but also the body, of the man she loves?

Welcome to the world of The Sugar House, and the men and
women who will fulfill your every fantasy. But can they find a way to fulfill
their own?

Excerpt from Protecting Portia:

The world has no place for men like Jackson, no place for
the kind of man his Grams raised him to be—for heroes or gentlemen. At least
that’s what he believes.

The scars radiating from his shoulder down his chest are the
only physical manifestations of the damage he endured. The VA stitched him up
good, discharged him with honors and sent him on his way, promising to help him
find a job and follow up doctor visits that never came. No, even Afghanistan
had no use for men like him.

Memories shadow over him, threatening to drag him down by
the sleeves. The silence in his apartment buzzes with the cries of long dead
friends. An image of Chuck lying in the sandy street of Ghazni, his arm sliced
clean through, flashes through his mind’s eye.

The sticky blood sprayed across Jackson’s face, but his life
marched forward as Chuck slowly died.

His heart begins to race and his temperature rises as the
fight or flight response kicks in—he was always one to choose fight. He
stretches his back and flexes his fingers, shaking them out to get the blood
flowing again. Circulation does wonders for the human body—when it stops,
that’s when everything goes to shit.

Most of the time, he doesn’t think about the past. He
occupies his nights watching Portia and making sure everyone who works for Miss
Necia is safe.

He inherited the management of the security team when he
took over for Donovan. A good guy, Donovan—the kind you’d value having on your
side in a fight—but also the kind of guy who wore down after too many years
doing work like this.

Jackson has seen too much of human nature to get any further
down. He’s already seen the worst of it. What could the occasional psychopath
do to him after everything he’s witnessed over the last year?

Humanity is a wasted species, taking up far too much space
while killing themselves and the world around them. When pushed to the point,
he finds himself unable to come up with a single reason why the human race
should even continue to exist.

Thoughts like that don’t get him anywhere though, so he
spends his time watching Portia. The glow of her platinum hair lends her
porcelain face a halo, giving him something good and pure to focus on. He makes
sure she’s safe, and keeps his love hidden away until the day she might return

The idea Portia could ever love him back is more than he
could imagine being granted. The gods frowned on him before he ever had a
chance to try. He was born into nothing, and his mama left him nothing. His
Grams tried to give him a better life, but all he managed to do was bring
himself back down to nothing.

And that’s all he’d ever be.

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About the Author:

winning author of multi-cultural and transgressive literature, Pavarti K Tyler
is an artist, wife, mother and number cruncher. She graduated Smith College in
1999 with a degree in Theatre. After graduation, she moved to New York, where
she worked as a Dramaturge, Assistant Director and Production Manager on
productions both on and off Broadway. Later, Pavarti went to work in the
finance industry several international law firms. She now lives with her
husband, two daughters and one very large, very terrible dog. She keeps busy
working with fabulous authors as the Director of Marketing at Novel Publicity
and penning her next genre bending novel.

Giveaway Details:

There is an International tour wide giveaway. Prizes include
the following:

Two winners:

$10 Amazon gift card
Erotic eBook Bundle w/ 3 eBooks  

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Whew! This is one hot tamale of a novella! I was given this one and the prior one in the series and I could not put them down! Yes, these are certainly 18+ due to some of the naughtier content, but let me tell you, this author backs up her sex with great storyline. When I finished the book, I just wanted more. In fact, you may find me begging the author to let me review the third novella in this series. I want more of these characters and the amazing lives they’re leading. In fact, I would love to see a full length series set in The Sugar House, delving into the type of lifestyle that few of you will ever see.


I received a copy of this book for the purpose of this review..All thoughts, comments and opinions are my own.
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