Book Review: A Kitchen in France

With beguiling recipes and sumptuous photography, A Kitchen in France transports readers to the French countryside and marks the debut of a captivating new voice in cooking.

When Mimi Thorisson and her family moved from Paris to a small town in out-of-the-way Médoc, she did not quite know what was in store for them. She found wonderful ingredients—from local farmers and the neighboring woods—and, most important, time to cook. Her cookbook chronicles the family’s seasonal meals and life in an old farmhouse, all photographed by her husband, Oddur. Mimi’s convivial recipes—such as Roast Chicken with Herbs and Crème Fraîche, Cèpe and Parsley Tartlets, Winter Vegetable Cocotte, Apple Tart with Orange Flower Water, and Salted Butter Crème Caramel—will bring the warmth of rural France into your home.

I think this is turning into a week of cookbooks! There’s this one today and another one tomorrow. Then, I’m not quite sure..maybe we’ll take the holiday off. I know that I can’t wait to see my boys’ faces when they open the few presents that they’re getting this year. Anyway…this post is about a cookbook, so on to the review!

A Kitchen in France could almost be a coffee table book. It’s filled with beautiful photos that were taken by the author’s husband. The recipes are all straight forward and easy to follow. I was really concerned because I’ve heard that French cooking can be quite complicated, but I didn’t find a single one that I couldn’t pull off as a home cook. In a lot of ways, Mimi’s storytelling gives you access to a part of life that few of us will ever get to experience. After all, how many of us have 7 children, a whole bunch of terriers and live in France? Not I and I for one, don’t really want to. However, reading her stories about their lives made me smile and it encouraged me to find my own passions and to follow them instead of living in any sort of envy for what other people do or have in their lives.


I received a copy of this book for the purpose of this review.  All thoughts, comments, and opinions are my own.

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