I’m so excited! Today is the official release day for Sarah’s Journal! Sarah’s Journal picks up where None Good ends and continues throughout most of Except One. Now everyone can read about how Sarah is handling all of the crazy that keeps happening to her and learn more about what happens to her and to her friends.
I wrote this during NaNo 2017 while I was also doing the final work on Except One and I have to confess that I love how it came out. Sometimes you start to write something and everything just seems to connect. That’s how “the journal” was for me. Then, I handed it over to Nick and he created this amazing cover. I had no idea what I wanted and somehow, he created something beyond my imagination that’s just perfect for this book.
As if having a new book with a stunning cover out isn’t enough, this is also my first solo piece in The Tether Saga. That’s my name, all by itself, on that cover and every time I see it, I grin ear to ear.
I want to thank all of you for sharing this exciting moment with me and if you’re interested in picking this up, it is an Amazon exclusive but have no fear, I have the links for you!
Paperback: http://amzn.to/2GXkSln
Kindle: http://amzn.to/2t6F2aD
I hope you enjoy it as much as I enjoyed writing it. If you do, please leave a review. Reviews help others know just how awesome things are. 😉
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