Book Review: The Case of the Crafty Christmas Crooks

Buckley and Bogey, Cat Detectives, find their next case hits a little too close to home. Because someone has been breaking into houses and stealing all the Christmas presents! And the first two robberies even took place in their very own neighborhood. Holy Catnip! Of course, the boys leap in on all fours to investigate right away. Then it isn’t long before they realize they are dealing with some real criminal masterminds, since these burglars know exactly how to cover their tracks. Plus, the crooks have the whole town of St. Gertrude on edge and they’re threatening to ruin Christmas for everyone. But figuring out the identity of the Christmas Crooks isn’t the only mystery around. After all, Buckley had just been adopted from the cat shelter this year, and this was the first he’d ever heard about Christmas. And he quickly finds out there is a lot to learn! From Christmas trees to Santa Claus, and jingle bells to the birth of baby Jesus, the real meaning of Christmas is a mystery to him. But he and Bogey can’t really enjoy any of it until the Christmas Crooks are caught. That’s because it becomes very clear, very quick these Christmas Crooks have set their sights on the boys’ house, too! And the burglars are headed straight for their door. Holy Mackerel!


I usually try to break down reviews into the good and the bad, but honestly, when it comes to Buckley and Bogey, there really isn’t any bad. They’re the perfect books to curl up with, along with your own cat, and spend an afternoon or evening just diving into. I can’t get enough of all of the individual characters in these books. Every single cat has their own personality and their own way of doing things. It’s very much like every cat that I have ever known. The stories draw me in, every time, and before I know it, I’ve spent hours reading and have zero regrets for doing so.

If you like mysteries or know a middle reader who does, these are the perfect choice. Honestly, I’m just going to stop writing because I’m just going to continue raving about how great these books are and I don’t want the author to waste any more time reading this, if she does, because I’m hoping that she’s writing more!

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