Wordsmith Wednesday: You are a Writer (So Act Like It)

Becoming a writer begins with a simple but important belief: You are a writer; you just need to write.

In You Are a Writer, Jeff Goins shares his own story of self-doubt and what it took for him to become a professional writer. He gives you practical steps to improve your writing, get published in magazines, and build a platform that puts you in charge.

This book is about what it takes to be a writer in the 21st Century. You will learn the importance of passion and discipline and how to show up every day to do the work.

Here’s what else you will learn:

– How to transition from wanting to be a writer to actually being one
– What “good” writing is (and isn’t)
– How to stop waiting to be picked and finally choose yourself
– What it takes to build a platform
– Why authors need to brand themselves (and how to do it)
– Tips for freelancing, guest blogging, and getting published in magazines
– Different ways to network with other writers, artists, and influencers
– The importance of blogging and social media and how to use it well to find more readers and fans of your writing

You Are a Writer will help you fall back in love with writing and build an audience who shares your love. It’s about living the dream of a life dedicated to words.


Guess what else begins with me? This review because I’m writing it!

The Good:

The writer is very honest regarding his opinions and his own path. This does build trust which is important in this type of book. The points found in its pages are all valid.

The Bad:

I’m afraid that this book really isn’t for those who are trying to find their own path as a writer, unless you have a desire to write for magazines. Yep, I said it. Magazines. There was a lot of information regarding that particular aspect versus the other areas that are listed in the description. 

The Summary:

I’m afraid that, for the most part, I received all of the information that I needed from the title of the book. I’m a writer and I need to act like it. I need to put in the work and to make writing into something that I do every day, not just when the whim hits. If you’re looking for information on how to pitch ideas for magazines, then this could be a useful book to you. If you’re looking for something to help guide you a step or three further down your writer’s path, then I’d give this one a miss.

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