Writing Prompt Thursday: Color


When I saw this week’s question, out loud I said, “Oooh…I like this one.”

What color are you today?

I don’t know why I love this question so much. Perhaps because it’s more of a creative question than a dull about me question. Not that you guys weren’t fascinated by what I do each morning. I know that one was particularly exciting for all of you.

I think I feel like I’m a blue today. Not a sad blue, but a deep, dark sleepy blue. I haven’t been sleeping well and my body keeps wanting to drag me back to sleep. Or maybe a happy, cheery sky blue because I’m so excited about my book and about the forward progress my life has been taking. It could be the color of the river or the ocean. Or maybe it’s a bit of a tie dye because life is always changing and flowing…Life comes in all shapes, sizes, and colors and none of those are stagnant. That’s one of the things that makes it so special. It’s always changing, flowing, and is never the same twice.

What color are you today?

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