So much has happened and I’ve been slack in updating everyone! For this book, I brought on a new artist. Her name is Maxx and she’s fabulous. Let me show off a couple of her pieces:
Aren’t they smashing? I love the little fish in that second kitty’s mouth. She takes the time to really add personality to each drawing. I can’t wait for all of you to see the rest of the pictures that she’s done. She’s also doing keychains and little figurines for the Kickstarter.
Speaking of the Kickstarter, that will launch on May 1st. I’m so excited to be bringing this to all of you. It’s going to run for 30 days and you’ll have the opportunity to buy not only Apo’s Army, but Tales from the Toy Store, handcrafted keychains, and figurines. I already have ideas for stretch goals including bookmarks and stickers.
My favorite reward tier is the final one. I’m going to create custom stories for five people. They’ll tell me about their pet (preferably cat) and I’ll write a story that will be in the actual book! I’m only offering up five of these because of the time commitment involved so if that’s one that you’re interested, you’re going to want to pledge right away.
If you’d like a reminder for when the campaign goes live, make sure that you click the link above and Kickstarter will email you after I hit that launch button!