Cobalt’s Castaways

I’m so excited to be able to say that Cobalt’s Castaways is done! I not only finished the final story last night, but I also did an initial formatting. I’m just waiting for the art for the book. Maxx is rocking it, I’m sure. She’s such a talented and skilled artist. It wouldn’t surprise me if I have the art within a week or two. 

Like Apo’s Army, I will be taking this book to Kickstarter. My goal is September 1st. I’m excited to be able to say that we’re going to have not one, but two special art prints! These will be either stretch or backer goals. They’re being done by Martha Schwartz and JW Sims. There may be more, but that’s what I have arranged for now. 
Oooh..did I mention stickers? Both Maxx and JW are doing sticker sets! How cool is that? I love stickers and I know that y’all do too. I wish that I could give you a sneak peek, but I can’t yet. As soon as I have the designs in hand, I’ll be posting here to give you the first look. 
Until then, take care of yourselves!

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