Every day is pretty much the same. I wake up in the morning,
eat some breakfast, play with my friend Sadie, eat some dinner and go to bed.
The only thing that sometimes changes is what games Sadie and I play. We love
to play pirates. It’s fun to swish a sword around and say “argh”. It’s also fun
to play tag. Sometimes we play that if Rorschach comes over to visit. He lives
in an apartment nearby but likes to come out and hang out with all of us by the
Today seems different though. I woke up, ate breakfast, and
played with Sadie, but when I went to eat dinner, it wasn’t sitting out like it
usually is. Sadie and I looked and looked, but we couldn’t find it. It was so
weird! Then, after Sadie had given up and gone to lay down, I decided to look
one more time. I knew I smelled it, but I just couldn’t see it. Then, I rounded
the corner of a bush and there it was! I thought about going to get Sadie, but
she was probably asleep, so I decided to have dinner and then go and let her
know where it was.
Except, when I walked up to the bowl, something strange
happened. First, I heard a snap noise and then something came down behind me. I
turned around quickly, but instead of the bush, I saw a wall. It was so weird,
guys. I could see the bush through the spaces between the bars, but no matter
what I tried, I couldn’t get past it. I was stuck!
Then, a hand reached in and took away the food bowl. I
thought for sure that they were going to let me out, but nope! They removed the
bowl and then walked away. A few minutes later, they came back and suddenly I
was floating. I wondered if this is what a leaf felt like when the wind picked it
up and carried it.
I wasn’t scared. I know I should have been, but I wasn’t. I
was more curious. I was wondering what was happening, who was carrying me, and
where we were going. I didn’t have very long to wonder because it seemed like I
had just been picked up when whoever it was set me down again. I peeked through
the crate’s door and there was my friend, Kim. She smiled at me and told me
that she would feed me again as soon as we got to where we were going.
I nodded and she closed the door to the car. Oooh, I forgot
to tell you, she put the crate on the backseat of her car. Then, we were off! I
couldn’t really see where we were going, but from the way that I swayed, I
could tell that we took a few turns. I’d sway to the left, sway to the right,
and then finally I just curled up before I fell over. The ride must have been
pretty relaxing because I woke up when the car stopped.
The door opened and within moments after that, another door
opened, and we walked into a well-lit laundry room. The crate door was opened,
and Kim invited me to come out. “Sorry to scare you, Mittens, but I needed a
safe way to bring you here.”
“Here? Where is here?” I meowed.
“I’m hoping that you’ll like it here and decide to live here
from now on. I promise that you’ll be well taken care of. You’ll have delicious
food, water, and lots of toys.”
I blinked up at her. Home? I was in a home? I had dreamed
about living in a home, but I didn’t think that it would ever happen. I decided
right there that I would give this home a try. I noticed that Kim seemed
nervous, so I smiled up at her and gave her a hug.
That night, I had a cozy bed made of blankets to sleep in.
Kim fed me the best food I had ever tasted. It looked and smelled just like the
food that I ate all the time, but somehow it tasted better. There was always
fresh water whenever I looked. It never had dirt or leaves in it. It was
getting late, so I decided to get some sleep before I checked out these toys
that she had mentioned. I had never really had anything other than sticks and
my imagination for toys before.
The next morning, I woke up early and explored the house. It
seemed nice, but it was really quiet. I was used to the noise of being outside
and other cats being around me. That reminded me…what about Sadie? Was she okay?
Did she know where I was? I had to talk to Kim immediately so I jumped up on
the bed where she was and started nudging her with my paw.
“Well, good morning, Mittens. What can I do for you?”
“What about Sadie? She’s my best friend. Does she know what happened?”
“Sadie knows. I made sure that she knew about it. I even
asked her if she wanted to come along too, but she said she’s an outdoor
adventuring cat, but that she knows this is your dream. I hope she was right.
I’d really like for you to stay.”
I nodded, thinking about my best friend. It would be just
like her to want this for me while she followed a different adventure. I hoped
that she had an amazing adventure and that I would hear about it.
“Don’t worry. I’m sure you’ll hear from her. She said she’d
send you postcards and letters.”
I smiled and hopped back down off the bed. It was time for
breakfast, and I was ready to eat and then check out those toys. Guess what,
guys! Toys are awesome! Kim had bought me balls and things to chase and even a
great big tower for me to climb.
It took me a few days of thinking about it, but, in the end,
I decided to stay with Kim and to have a home of my own. I even convinced her
to get a kitten since I missed Sadie. I thought the best thing to do was to
give another kitten a home so that neither of us would be alone. After all, I
had plenty of toys to share.
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